50 Reasons Why I Love My Dad

Not too long ago, on my mom’s 50th birthday I made her a list of 50 reasons why I love her so much. Yesterday was my dad’s 50th birthday, so now finally it’s my dad’s turn…

50 Reasons Why I Love My Dad

1) He’s a great leader and wonderful father.

2) His words of wisdom.

3) He would do anything for me.

4) He always treats my mom with love and respect.

5) His playful and carefree attitude.

6) Every night when he’s at work he calls home to talk to us.

7) His heart for God.

8) He is generous.

9) Every year he takes me to the fishing show to spend quality father daughter time together.

10) His hard work in everything he does.

11) He always puts his family first.

12) He is a free spirit.

13) He loves to meet new people.

14) His strong will and determination.

15) He taught me right and wrong.

16) The way that he sings and dances.

17) He is good at fixing things.

18) He is very protective over me.

19) He takes us on family vacations.

20) His passion for risking his life to help people as a firefighter.

21) His patience.

22) He has amazing charm and charisma.

23) He always gets me free stuff! 😉

24) He is down to earth.

25) He marches to the beat of his own drum.

26) He doesn’t take life too seriously.

27) He cared for me and helped teach me everything I know.

28) He loves to make me breakfast and smoothies.

29) His laugh.

30) His strength.

31) His integrity.

32) He is appreciative of all God has given him.

33) He always helps me put together my furniture.

34) His big hugs.

35) Our deep talks during long car rides.

36) He can always make me smile.

37) He is honest.

38) His kind eyes.

39) He is embarrassing- like all dads are.

40) How he never takes life for granted.

41) He is always there for me.

42) His mismatching outfits.

43) He always makes sure I get places safe.

44) He loves to make new friends.

45) He is an inspiration to me and others.

46) How he is never afraid to take risks.

47) He teaches me life lessons.

48) He also tries to teach me about finances and investing.

49) He always tells me he loves me.

50) I know he will always love me no matter what.

Happy 50th birthday Daddy! I LOVE YOU!

xx, Ciera

A Sparkly New Year

DSC_0072IMG_5985HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you all a fantastic time celebrating with family and friends last night. I had a crazy night full of DIY sparkly champagne glasses, party hats, loud noisemakers, confetti, surprise, and adventure. I’m excited for another fresh start and am eager to see what 2014 has in store for me! May the new year bring you good health, fortune, and full of hope, dreams, love, and happiness.

kisses, Ciera

DIY Christmas Cards

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So even though Christmas has already past, I was a little late this year getting all my gifts and self together, and have been as busy as ever even though as of two weeks ago my first semester of college is officially OVER! I have been spending my days working at the mall, dressing, babysitting, catching up on Netflix, shopping, and of course making *the* cutest Pinterest inspired DIY cards ever. (I know I probably should have posted these earlier, but oh well- better late than never!)

I have a collection of beads, sequins, ribbon, and glitter stuffed away in my craft closet that I used to make and personalize my cards. I also stopped by Home Depot to pick up some free paint samples to make the Christmas trees. These were just a few designs I came up with, but the possibilities are endless!

So, which design do you like best? What are on your holiday cards?

xx, Ciera

50 Reasons Why I Love My Mom

Today is my mom’s 50th birthday! Instead of buying a card, this year I decided to make her something- a little booklet listing all the reasons why I love her so much. This is an easy DIY that can be made for anyone- siblings, boyfriends/girlfriends, or even grandparents! I used colored notecards (cut in half), a hole puncher, a sharpie, ribbon, sparkles, and a few rhinestones.

DSC_0347DSC_0359Now here are 50 reasons why I love my mom….

1)  Her unconditional love and compassion.

2)  Her laughter.

3)  Her smile.

4)  Her beauty.

5)  Her strength.

6)  Her heart for God.

7)  Her knowledge and wisdom that guides me.

8)  She’s full of love and life.

9)  She always tries to make others happy.

10) Your unwavering faith.

11) She shows kindness to everyone even when they don’t deserve it.

12) Her big heart.

13) Her patience.

14) Her forgiveness.

15) She always has words of encouragement.

16) For reading me stories when I was younger.

17) For taking care of me when I’m sick.

18) Her warm hugs.

19) Her eternal optimism.

20) The way she screams at hockey games.

21)  Her hairy arm.

22) Her love for animals.

23) She taught me how to be independent and strong.

24) Her home cooking.

25) She always puts up with me.

26) She always supports my hopes and dreams.

27) Her sense of humor.

28) Her willingness to listen.

29) For always giving me a shoulder to cry on.

30) She taught me how to be a better person.

31) For encouraging me when I’m down.

32) She protects me from any danger or evil.

33) She picks me up when I fall.

34) She makes great mac and cheese.

35) She’s great with kids.

36) She always tells me she loves me.

37) She always does the dishes and laundry.

38) She always decorates the house during the holidays.

39) I know I can trust her.

40) She always prays for those in need.

41) She never stops worrying about me.

42) She always tells me I’m beautiful.

43) She surprises me with cupcakes and Starbucks.

44) She always shops with me (even when she doesn’t want to.)

45) She takes me to get facials and pedicures.

46) I know she would sacrifice anything for me.

47) She always does the right thing.

48) She has helped me become the person I am today.

49) She’s irreplaceable.

50) She’s my best friend and the best mom ever.

Happy 50th Birthday! I LOVE YOU!

xx, Ciera

DIY Mini Pumpkin Candles

DSC_0287Pumpkins are one of my favourite parts about autumn… and what’s cuter than a mini pumpkin? A few weeks ago mom and sister gave me this simple and clever idea of turning a mini pumpkin into a candle holder. It’s super easy and takes less than 5 minutes!


-mini pumpkin

-candle carver

-tea light or votive candle


I used a candle carver I found at a thrift store, but you can also use a knife or drill like in this DIY. Happy carving!

xx, Ciera

DIY Marc Jacobs Hex Nut Bracelet

While volunteering at Fashion Camp yesterday, I learned how to make these cute braided hex nut bracelets. You can find lots of tutorials for this bracelet on Pinterest and blogs, like this one from Honestly WTF.  I used gold and silver bolts and different colored crotchet twine.


Photo via Honestly WTF

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Getting the nuts to stay in place was a challenge, but once you get the hang of it making them is super easy. I’m really happy with the end result! I think the bracelets would make great birthday presents or Christmas gifts, and are just a great cheap and fun DIY to try out.

xx, Ciera

What Inspires You?

Inspiration Books are a great place to put down random thoughts, spontaneous ideas, and let out your creativity.

Two weeks ago was the beginning of my first summer college class: Careers in Fashion. Already it has taught me so much about the importance of networking, branding yourself, and sourcing inspiration from everyday life. We were assigned an inspiration book as extra credit and add new pages every day to share with the class. I bought a cheap $2 notebook from Target and sparkle mod-podged the cover with newspaper articles and cutout letters spelling out “INSPIRE.”

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My first few pages included some of my favorite things: shoes, travel, and sparkle. After years of subscriptions to Teen Vogue, Seventeen, and Lucky, I had dozens of magazines to pull images and inspiration from. I added a few of my own notes and doodles to really personalize my pages. Even though it’s just extra credit, my inspiration book has been more of a creative therapy for me.

There are so many different ways to express yourself and get inspired- Polyvore, Pinterest, inspiration boards, drawing, painting, scrapbooking– whatever works for you, go for it!

What’s your creative therapy? Who and what inspires you?

xx, Ciera

DIY: Masquerade Mask

The Handmaiden's Talearia-and-hanna-masquerade-ballEMILY VANCAMP

Images via Google Images

Masquerade is everywhere- it’s been seen on Gossip Girl, PLL, The Vampire Diaries, and Revenge, just to name a few shows. The masquerade episode of Gossip Girl is forever one of my favourite episodes- the masks, the glamour, the dresses, and the drama- everything about a Masquerade  is sexy and mysterious. I have secretly always wanted to attend a masked ball.. which just happens to be the theme of my senior prom this Saturday! I was planning on buying a mask online or in LA, but the only ones I could find were too expensive, so I decided to just make my own. I loved Emily’s mask (from Revenge) and it served as inspiration for my own mask.

(P.S. Sorry for the bad lighting, I was in my kitchen)


Here’s what I used:

-Eye mask from Hobby Lobby, $1.60 (with 40% off coupon)

-Blue paint (I had this already at home)

-Silver sparkles (from home)

-Feathers from Michael’s, $1.99

-Wood Stick from Michael’s, $0.20

-Jewels from Michael’s, $0.99

-Cello glitter from Michael’s, $3.29

-Random beads/sequins (from home)

-Paint brush and sponge (from home)


1) I began by painting my mask a medium shade of blue as a base color.


2) Next I sponged on two different darker shades of blue to give the mask some dimension and texture.


3) Before the paint dried, I added the cello glitter.


4) I also added silver sparkles and then lined the eye holes with bright blue sequins.


5) The final product! I used hot glue to secure the three feathers and jewel down on the front, then hot glued the painted stick to the side of the mask. Originally I planned on using more beads and sequins on the side of the mask, but I think it is sparkly enough just how it is.

I actually love the way it turned out; I’m so glad I decided to save my money and create something unique. Prom pictures can be found here 😀

xx, Ciera